What it is:
A release condition that requires people on supervision to work at a lawful occupation unless excused for school, training, or other acceptable reasons.
How the court uses it:
To make it more likely that people will succeed on supervision because they're gainfully employed.
To make it less likely that they'll resort to crime to support themselves.
The officer's duties:
Build relationships with agencies and individuals in the community who can help people on supervision find and keep jobs, including:
– nonprofit organizations
– local and state employment services
– chambers of commerce
– employers
Direct people on supervision to community resources that prepare them for employment through such services as:
– skill assessment
– job training
– workshops that address resume preparation and job searches
Verify their job-seeking efforts.
Verify that they are working by:
– Visiting them at work.
– Reviewing their pay stubs.
– Keeping in touch with their employers.
Take steps to control and correct the situation if people on supervision:
– Fail to report to work on time or at all.
– Lose jobs or change jobs frequently.
– Maintain a lifestyle beyond their income.
– Otherwise fail to comply with their release conditions.
The officer's challenges:
People on supervision face considerable obstacles to employment, which officers must help them overcome. For example, these individuals
may be struggling with problems that they need to address before they can work, including
– substance abuse;
– poor health; and
– a lack of the basic needs in life, such as housing and food
may lack the education or skills to get a job.
may find employers reluctant to hire them because of their criminal backgrounds and lack of work experience.
What the benefits are:
Provides educational or vocational training that enables people on supervision to earn a living wage.
Enables them to support themselves and their families.
Makes it less likely that they'll commit crime.
Enables them to pay taxes and any fines and restitution ordered by the court.